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- manage using SMARTNotebook file - students move their created icon to the various rotations

- have students "check-in" at a daily 5 rotations to keep track of where they have visited and what choice they made while there (this could be a Google Form, a QR code, a check point, etc.)

- use a random student generator to decide which students start where



- create QR codes to share audio files explaining directions for each Daily 5 rotation; this allows students to review instructions without interrupting your groups

- using an image for each of the daily 5 rotations, use aurasma to create augmented reality instructions - much more exciting to view

- record your instructions through tellagami and have your avatar tell the students



- organize all their choices for each rotation in a symbaloo

- save links in a padlet for them to review, different boards for each of the rotations 

- thingilink is a great source to create links on an picture - take a picture of your classroom where various daily 5 rotations take place


Combine it all in... Blendspace - Example, here's another example


Turning in their Daily 5 Work:  

(without student emails) 

- complete a google form 

- submit it to dropbox

- use a course management system 

- post their link on padlet or a blog 


Apple TV: 

- an additional station

- you can monitor/manage their progression at the station

- they can work collaboratively

- allows more students to be engaged with just 1 iPad and work collaboratively 

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